Ms Sql 2008 R2 Jdbc Driver Download

Ms Sql 2008 R2 Jdbc Driver Download

  1. Microsoft Sql Server 2008 Jdbc Driver Download
  2. Download Sql 2008 R2 Standard
  3. Ms Sql Server 2008 Jdbc Driver Jar Download
Viewed 53k times

Download Microsoft JDBC Driver 4.0 for SQL Server. Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2, Microsoft SQL. Instructions to install UNIX version of JDBC Driver.Download a. Download Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server.; 2 minutes to read Contributors. All; In this article Using the JDBC Driver with Maven Central. Free Download Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server This driver supports a wide range of servers, namely SQL Server 2012, 2008 R2, 2008. Download the Microsoft JDBC Driver 6.0 for SQL Server. • Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 • Microsoft SQL Server 2008 • Azure SQL Database.

Ms sql jdbc driver 4.0

Microsoft Sql Server 2008 Jdbc Driver Download

I am in the process of evaluating a whole whack of JDBC drivers, specifically to use with SQL Server 2008 with Windows authentication. I gathered a list of ones that I found and have listed them below.

Advanced Services Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Service. To download the client components and driver updates. JDBC 6.0: Microsoft JDBC Drivers 6. Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server Support Matrix. Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2. The Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server is tested with. Fixes an issue that occurs when you connect to SQL server 2008 by using Microsoft JDBC Driver 2.0 from an IBM WebSphere application that has FIPS enabled.

My question is, are there any other JDBC drivers that are compatible with SQL Server 2008 that I should also look into reviewing?

  1. Microsoft JDBC driver


    Pros: Official Microsoft JDBC driver for SQL Server 2008! Based on the JNetDirect JSQLConnect driver v3 as it was purchased by Microsoft a few years ago and they have been building on top of it since. I was told this by JNetDirect JSQLConnect's support.

    Cons: Seems to have a lot of connectivity/stability issues, don't believe me, just Google about it :). Doesn't have a way of disabling statement preparation/pooling which is something I am looking for.

    JDBC compliance: Claims to be be JDBC 4.0 compliant although many methods throw UnimplementedException!!!!

    JDBC Type: 4

    Price: Free

  2. Progress DataDirect


    Pros: Claims to be top class, used by numerous applications like Informatica, etc and the company is been around for ages! Have quick support - I have dealt with them briefly.

    Cons: ?

    JDBC compliance: Claims to be be JDBC 4.0 compliant

    JDBC Type: 5

    Price: Not free

  3. JTDS


    Pros: Much faster than the official Microsoft JDBC driver. Has a way of disabling prepared statements.

    Cons: ?

    JDBC compliance: JDBC 3.0 compliant only. This is a deal breaker for me because important methods like .validate() and .isClosed() aren't supported because these are JDBC 4.0 methods.

    JDBC Type: 4

    Price: Free - Open Source

  4. INET Merlia


    Pros: Much faster than the official Microsoft JDBC driver. Has a way to disable prepared statements.

    Cons: ?

    JDBC compliance: Claims to be be JDBC 3.0/4.0 compliant

    JDBC Type: 4

    Price: Not free

  5. JNetDirect JSQLConnect


    Pros: Much faster than the official Microsoft JDBC driver. Has a way to disable prepared statements

    Cons: ?

    JDBC compliance: Claims to be be JDBC 3.0/4.0 compliant

    JDBC Type: 4

    Price: Free for a single user with only 1 database connection.

If you can keep your comments clean, I'll happily update this post with any others.


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